5. |
In ciuda saraciei care ii ameninta pe latini ,acestia se dovedesc a fi persoane care seamana tristete si culeg bucurie. Pofta de viata si modul original de a fi al latinilor se datoreaza calitatilor exceptionale cu care sunt inzestrati.
Sunt renumiti prin numarul mare de telenovele care sunt vizionate cu nerabdare de catre public .Telenovelele deschid orizontul spre o lume perfecta ,spargerea tiparelor reale ,fereastra prin care poti evada pentru a visa.Succesul de care s-au bucurat telenovelele este dovada vie a tarilor care le-a urmat exemplul.Aceasta idee se regaseste si in tara noastra publicul fiind fascinat de telenovelele romanesti.
Subiectele telenoveleleor incearca sa redea partea negativa a lumii ,latura intunecata a lumii, latura intunecata a vietii pe care incearca s-o transforme in bucurie si speranta ,incearca sa defineasca sentimentul iubirii ,al dragostei uneori imposibila din cauza statutului social sau al banilor.
Dansul este un alt element care ii face faimosi pe latini, dansul exotic ,lipsit de vulgaritate ,rezultand dintr-o calitate cu care sunt inzestrati inca de la nastere.Structura dansului este plina de expresivitate ,gingasie si perfectiune.Acest lucru face posibila comunicarea intre parteneri ,lucru posibil datorita placerii si dragostei pentru dans.Pasiunea comuna ii determina pe acestia sa fie relaxati ,flexibili ,totul conturandu-se asupra dansului.dintre vestitele dansuri latine mentionam :flamenco,,samba, cha-cha-cha,bosanova.
Chiar in tara noastra s-au infiintat sali de dans latino ,parintii bucurandu-se de oportunitatea pe care copiii lor o pot avea mergand la lectiile de dans .Dansurile sunt senzuale,romantice .
Muzica latina se bucura de succes in lumea toata.
Ioana Dumitrescu
Grup Scolar „Voievodul Mircea”, Targoviste, Romania
Prof. Coordonator: Oprea Veronica
Despite the poverty that threatens the Latin world ,the Latin proves to be a person that plants sadness and gathers joy. Their lust for life and their original way of life are owed to the exceptional qualities that they are gifted with.
They are well known through the great number of soap-operas which are watched impatiently by the audience. These Latin soap-operas open windows to a perfect world ,they break the reality's patterns ,the windows that one can escape through in order to dream. The success they have enjoyed are a living proof of the countries that have followed their example .This idea is also found in our country ,where the audience is fascinated by the Romanian soap-operas .
The subjects of these soap-operas also try to present the negative side of the world ,the dark aspects of life ,that they struggle to change into joy and hope ,they try to give a definition to the notion of perfect love ,of a sometimes impossible love due to social differences or to money.
Dance is another element that makes the Latin world famous ; the Latin dance ,exotic, with no trace of vulgarity comes out from a quality that they are born with. The structure of this type of dance is full of expressivity ,kindness and perfection. This makes possible the communication between partners ,the pleasure and love for dance .Here we can mention :samba, cha-cha-cha, flamenco, bosa-nova.
There have been opened dance schools in our country ,parents enjoy the opportunity their children may have while taking dance classes .These types of dance are sensual and romantic.
The Latin music also has great success all over the world.
Ioana Dumitrescu
Highschool “Voievodul Mircea”, Targoviste, Romania
Teacher: Oprea Veronica
Français, portugais, latin,
c'est la même chose !
Latin |
Français |
Portugais |
unu |
un |
um |
duso |
deux |
dois |
tres |
trois |
três |
quattuor |
quatre |
quatro |
quinque |
cinq |
cinco |
sex |
six |
seis |
septem |
sept |
sete |
octo |
huit |
oito |
novem |
neuf |
nove |
decem |
dix |
dez |
Maxime et Francisca, 9 et 10 ans, Ecole Française de Porto (Portugal)
Prénoms Portugais / Français |
Origine Latine |
Ce qu'il veut dire |
Pedro |
Petrus |
Petit caillou / pierre |
João |
Ioannes |
/ / / |
Quitterie |
Quietus |
Tranquille |
Adriana |
Adrion |
/ / / |
Inês |
Ahnus |
Mouton |
Leonor |
Lenire |
/ / / |
Maxime |
Maximus |
Le plus grand |
Clara |
/ / / |
Brillant |
Quitterie et Leonor,8 et 10 ans, Ecole Française de Porto (Portugal)
L'origine du nom Portugal
Portucale : À l'époque romaine le Douro est un obstacle aux communications entre le nord et le sud de la Lusitanie : deux cités qui se font face et contrôlent l'estuaire :PORTUS (le port) sur la rive droite, CALE sur la rive gauche.
João Pedro,9 ans, Ecole Française de Porto(Portugal)
Coordinatrice : Marie France Defossez
L'évolution de la calligraphie latine
En classe nous avons étudié l'évolution de la calligraphie latine. Les romains ont adopté l'écriture des Grecs, puis l'ont adaptée. Ils ont crée un alphabet de capitales. L'écriture la plus ancienne est « La capitale Romaine ». Ils ont parsemé les pays conquis de monuments et d'arcs de triomphe portant des inscriptions exaltant la victoire des légions. Les Romains utilisaient « la capitale » pour la pierre et la « minuscule » pour les autres supports (papyrus, tablettes de cire). « La capitale romaine » est construite sur des formes géométriques (tels que le carré, le cercle et le triangle). C'est au II ème siècle avant J.C., que cette écriture est à maturité. Le modèle le plus réussi et le plus abouti est celui de la colonne Trajane. Cette colonne a été érigée à Rome au 2 ème siècle ap. JC, pour commémorer la conquête de la Dacie , la Roumanie actuelle !
Voici l'inscription qui se trouve à la base :
2ème style d'écriture : « La cursive Romaine » qui était utilisée comme écriture courante (pour les lettres, factures, documents commerciaux ou administratifs). Les outils, stylet, pinceau, plume pointue, étaient utilisés sur des supports comme le papyrus, la cire, le bois ou l'argile.
3ème modèle d'écriture « La quadrata », était tracée sur papyrus ou parchemin, à l'encre, au calame ou avec une plume d'oiseau. Comme son nom l'indique, cette forme « quadrangulaire » tend à imiter celle de « La capitale romaine ».
les élèves du CM1 ( 9-10 ans) de
L'École Française de Porto , Portugal
Coordinateur. Laurent Boulair
Dance with me !
Dance means passion and precision...through it people try to unleash emotions which can range from exhileration to tranquility or from rage to freedom. Perhaps the latter is the key word that best defines the true latin spirit along with the dedication and fire which burns inside their being. What I find truly amazing about this unique way of expression is exactly the tension in their outstreched arms , the almost painful flexibility of their moves which is always hidden under an expression of absolute fulfillment.
Some of the most notorious dances which perfectly emphasise each trait of the ardent latin spirituality are the Tango, Merengue , Paso Doble, Samba and the traditonal ones which highlight each land's specific features.Such is the power and passion behind these performances, that while watching them you find yourself forgetting to breathe and living with the same intensity every struck of the floor they make with their black heals.
The Romance languages (for example : Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian) are derived from the ancient latin language, and define a culture that has spread over a substantial part of continets like Europe and America. The Portuguese imported many slaves from Angola and Congo into Brazil in the 16th century, who in turn brought their dances such as the Caterete the Embolada and the Batuque.
Another axmaple is the composite dance which evolved in the 1830's combining the plait figures from these dances and the body rolls and sways of the indigenous Lundu. Later, carnival steps were added like the Copacabana (named after a popular beach near Rio de Janeiro ). Gradually members of the high society in Rio embraced it, although they modified it to be done in closed ballroom dancing position (which they knew was the only correct way to dance anything) The dance was then called the Zemba Queca, and was described in 1885 as "a graceful Brazilian dance" whiwh was later called Mesemba.
The above- mentioned create a vague sketch of what the history of the latin dance should mean, but all in all it is essential to undrestand the fact that the music and moves help tot revive that wonderful scent of past along with the beautiful vision of an ever – lasting tradition.
Minca Laura
Colegiul National "Constantin Carabella”
Targoviste , Romania

Tango – a real challenge even for proffesionals

cubanese women are
world-wide konwn for their
breathtaking outfits
portraits a Torero
(the male dancer) and
his cape(the partner) |
Danseaza cu mine !
Dansul intr-un univers cultural precum cel latin reprezinta una dintre cele mai expresive modalitati de a-ti exprima orice fel de traire : de la pathos la melancolie sau de la iubire la dorinta de a o uita. De- a lungul vremii putine s-au schimbat in modul de abordare a unor dansuri precum Tango-ul, Samba, Paso Doble sau Merengue.Scene si decoruri se pot darama si reconstrui insa dansul si spiritul celui ce duce la capat acest ritual raman neschimbate chiar si dupa sute de ani.
Spre exemplu, la sfarsitul anilor 1940, in Havana, Cuba, trupele de muzicieni americani si cubanezi, cantau in cazinourile marilor orase. Cateva dintre aceste orchestre au incercat sa combine ritmul american de jazz, cu cel cubanez de rumba. Rezultatul a fost Mambo. Cha-cha-ul este ultimul venit in categoria dansurilor latino-americane a fost vazut pentru prima data in salile de dans din America in jurul anilor 1950, fiind o versiune mai lenta si mai putin complicata a Mambo-ului, numita Dublu Mambo. Numele Cha-Cha-Cha apare prima data in Haiti, ca fiind o componenta a clopotului. Acesta era facut dintr-o placa, ce scotea un zgomot "cha-cha" cand era frecata. O alta versiune a numelui acestui dans ar fi urmatoarea: Cand femeile cubaneze danseaza pantofii lovesc cu calcaiele podeaua in ritm de cha-cha-cha.
Dansurile latine vor incanta privirea si inima multor oameni dornici sa – si revigoreze atat trupul cat si sufletul , insa de noi depinde daca de astfel de traditii se vor bucura in continuare si generatiile urmatoare.
Minca Laura
Colegiul National, Constantin Carabella”
Targoviste , Romania |